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High impact insights, gained from data analytics

At Vision Performance Consulting we place a high value on data analytics. Having an in-depth understanding of your business, and the markets it operates in allows smart strategic decisions to be made.

We are accredited in the use of Microsoft Power BI analytical and dashboard tools, and the machine learning capabilities of the Microsoft Azure platform.

There are many ways that data analytics can be used to remove much of the guesswork from business planning, allowing you to confidently implement successful strategies. These include:



Understanding where the best potential for your products and services lies, and the level of competitor activity in each part of the market. This allows you to target the most fruitful opportunities, maximising your return on investment.


Undertaking segmentation analysis and/or activity-based costing, to gain a deep understanding of which products and services and which business channels are achieving the strongest results. This may be taken further, re-engineering the profit footprint, by altering the way the business sits within its supply chain. These activities allow you to focus strategy on activities that can offer a dramatic improvement in profitability.



Using an analytical approach to referral opportunities allows rich seams of lead generation opportunity to be identified. Combined with high-impact marketing strategies this will drive business volumes, improving revenues, scale and profitability.



Using metrics and benchmarking techniques that measure productivity will offer insights into how to achieve the right balance between price and volume, how to achieve an efficient scale of operations, and how to deploy resources efficiently.


Book a no-obligation initial consultation and find out how we can add value to your business, using high-impact insights gained from data analytics.

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